
Dieser Sampler gehört in jede gute Horrorpunk-Sammlung. Zu der CD gibt es einen gestickten Horrorpunks Germany Patch.

1 Welcome To Woodsboro - Dr. Geek And the Freakshow
2 Buried Alive - Electric Cockpower From Hell
3 Feed The Poor/ Eat The Rich - Aezoth
4 Can't Stop The Monster Kids - Other, The
5 The Thing - Horror Vision
6 Vampyromadness - Vampyromorpha
7 It Came From Above - Dead United
8 Breath Of Death - Demonic
9 Dein Nachtmahr - Crimson Ghosts, The
10 Lobotomies For Everyone - Mutant Reavers
11 From My Flesh - Rampires
12 Return Of The Living Dead - Doc Morten
13 The Golem - Dread Cabinet
14 The Devils Own - Johnny Deathshadow
15 Scaphismus - Sinnesloschen
16 Back From The Dead - Hellgreaser
17 Red Rain - Suffex
18 Lodi Highschool - Fryder
19 300 BC - Coffin Creatures
20 Spiderweb - Rod Usher
21 Destroy - We'rewolf
22 Kannibal - Holy Madness
23 Heroine - Jamey Rottencorpse And The Rising Dead
24 Formicula - Bad Moon Rising

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